More on the Evils of Richard Schlesinger and Ceebraid Signal!
Hummmm, the Club of Feather Sound! Rings of prestige and high prices. Now that the apartments have been totally renovated into condos and sold by Richard Schlesinger's company, Ceebraid Signal, still no one cares or gives a shit about what happens to the tenants. The units were called Pelican Landing until April of 2005 and starting at that time real estate investors bought up the units and then sold them to unsuspecting buyers from up north that were not familiar with the area or the previous owner's real estate scams and shams. Prices were highly inflated, property is in a flood zone, the units were in bad shape and had every kind of code violation, mold, flooding, poor plumbing, bad roofing and sink holes on the property.The latest in the round of unfair treatment of tenants and new and unsuspecting buyers is no water. The land the units are built on is very unstable and drainage is in various parts of the property and links up to the bay and the man made bodies of water around Feather Sound, to include the Feather Sound Golf Course and Country Club. The Club had advertised the cosmetic changes that were coming for months before they actually started doing the work on them. These included drainage ponds that were going to be cosmetically altered with fountains and decorative hedges.
The water main broke during the initial work on these ponds on November 23, 2005. The tenants and new owners have had no water since this time and as of this writing on Thanksgiving Day, almost 36 hours now. No one can shower or even prepare their holiday meal, as they cannot clean up. Many of the people here have company. There is no one to call and no one that has offered to help the tenants, owners and residents living here, like perhaps renting one of the hotels nearby so people can at least shower. This is in violation of any kind of Health or Fire Code.
Tenants are taking water from the pool to flush their toilets and some are washing their hair in the jacuzzi.
Renters will never have fair treatment in our current system, but this even blows back to the people who just recently spent anywhere from $160,000 to $200,000 per unit in this condominium complex.
Here is just one link about Ceebraid Signal, there are many more online if you do a search: