Sunday, April 25, 2004

The Pagan Headstone Campaign

Recently it has come to my attention that, while there are thirty-two (32) different religious symbols allowed on veterans' headstones, mine will have to remain bare. If members of religious organizations with as few members within the US military as The Aaronic Order, The Native American Church, Baha'i, Konko-Kyo, Sufism, Tenrikyo, Seicho-no-ie, The Church of World Messianity, the Moravian Church and Enkankar are entitled to religious symbols on their headstones, why, may I ask, are not Wiccans or Witches or other Pagan religions entitled to our religious symbol, the Pentagram (or 5-pointed star)? Support the campaign to pressure the Department of Veterans Affairs to authorize a 33rd Headstone Symbol, a Pentacle so that Pagan Veterans can be buried under a Headstone that shows their religion rather than a blank stone.

We need YOUR support!

For more info, this is the site:
Here are the elists--come join if you want to support this project:

This is the petition, PLEASE SIGN!
And be sure to pass to every Pagan Veteran that you know...
It only takes a few minutes...


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